Friday, July 30, 2021

Lessons I Learnt From Stock Market


By Vishal Rupwani MBA I Year

It all started in the year  2020, when I opened my  Demat  account . Before that I had  started research in the stock market. I was very fortunate to get my first stock market  mentor in an Institute involved in stock market training  . I started my trading and investing journey ever since then. It felt to me like a roller coaster ride in the markets, where sometimes you feel like a king of analysis and like a sore loser at other times. Each day in the market taught me something new. I  consider myself as  a student of the markets as I know that stock market is very vast   and there is lot to learn from it. There are some learnings which I learnt from stock market and would like to share with all of you.

 Be humble: You should be humble and never let you ego escalate to a level, where it controls your actions. As a trader, you need to be humble with the amount you use in the markets. In a trade, you should never involve an amount which causes you to lose control of your emotions. This concept when applied in trading will lead a path to success with lesser setbacks. The same when applied in life will lead you to becoming a better person in life.

 Be patient: We have to learn to be patient in life as will go on as it is designated to at its appropriate time. As an investor or trader, patience is the most desired quality you need to build in yourself. Trading is the same as fishing which requires patience. It is not necessary to catch every fish in the sea, just some that bite your bait. It is the same for trading it is not necessary that you take every successful trade just a few that fulfil your target are required. You need to learn to take small steps to the success rather than hoping for a big leap. It very will relates to the quote “Patience is bitter, but the fruit is sweet”.

 Maintain Discipline: Discipline is one of the most important aspects which lead to success in life. You might consider how it relates to investing or trading. Even the biggest traders might have a washout of their account if they are not disciplined with their trades. If you are a trader you need to consider and plan every aspect of your trade before you enter it. You need to have a strict discipline over yourself to follow up with your plan be it in a profit or a loss. Discipline is what differentiates a trader from a gambler. Discipline is considered as a success mantra by most of the successful entrepreneurs and managers in a firm.

➤ Have Confidence in yourself:
Be it in our life or in trading or investing there comes a point in our life where we tend to lose confidence in ourselves. It is very important to keep our goals in the mind and continue on work on ourselves. It’s easier said than done to go over such process; you might need a mentor to keep pushing you forward in such cases. Only with consistent work and determination can one achieve small steps toward their goals their goals. These small steps help one build an unbending confidence in oneself.

➤ Never give up attitude:
You might have often heard people saying there are ups and downs in life. Believe me, you will see much more than just up’s and down’s in live market. It is normal as a human being to make mistakes, the same happens with traders or investors. It is not always the case that everything goes as per your analysis; there are chances that you may have made some error in your judgement. It’s very difficult to accept such losses. It is very important that you learn from your mistakes and progress with them as your stepping stones. You must never give up on your goals, because of a few setbacks, learn from them sharpen your skills and continue to work. Only through consistent effort can water breach the rocks, you will definitely achieve success in your goals if you are persistent and consistent with your work towards it.

The stock market boosted my interest in finance and that is why I took an MBA (Finance) course at  Indira Global Business School. I am sure that in the future I will continue to be associated with the stock market and keep learning new things.

Written by Vishal Rupwani 
Indira Global Business School, Pune.

The author can be reached by mail at -

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Work Experience + MBA = Great Combination

Fatema Raja MBA Ist Year

 “Fatema, don’t you think that you are a black hat thinker?” sadly I moved my eyes towards the ground, feeling very downhearted. This title was given to me by my trainer during my Initial Learning Process (ILP) days. My heart melted and I sat upset for the rest of the day. I remember it was our last break for the day at 5’O clock. I sat with a cup of coffee in the pantry. Sir took a seat beside me and said “Do you know the black hat thinkers are most valued persons in the industry?” Nervously I tried to roll up my eyes and look at him. He continued, “these types of people are rare but in a group of managers they are always welcomed. But this growth is very slow from where you have started.”


This was the first time after entering TCS I thought to go for an MBA. But deep inside I didn’t wanted to leave this prestigious organization and therefore I decided not to abandon this job. Very soon I was allocated to one of the projects. I started working as a Data Analyst for one of the top auditing firms. Super excitedly the journey began. Entering corporate world pushed me to leave my comfort zone and taught me the importance of work life balance. I got unlimited opportunities to prove my capabilities. I became a trainer in very short duration, a QC (Quality Checker) for the team, a part of onshore calls and meets and sometimes even addressed as the right hand of my TL. But very soon I realized, for the position I wanted and for the critical advancement and growth I need to complete my post-graduation. The hunger for growth and development got deeper and deeper and finally I took a firm decision to leave TCS and landed up taking admission for an MBA program at Indira Global Business School. A little anxious and full of excitement I started this journey.

To my wonder the work experience I took prior resulted in not only mere 3 or 4 benefits but a long list to count on. I feel indulged to share some of these benefits with you.


1. ➧➤ Understand and relate your curriculum: 

In one of our organizational behavior classes, importance of work culture was being taught. I remembered TCS firing an employee because he copied from work of other peers. You must be wondering we all have completed almost all our assignments from those of others during our college time. But as per TCS this is oppose to integrity. Their work culture strictly follows integrity as an important principle.

See as I was able to easily relate the topics with the prior experience, I was really able to understand the concept behind the topic and it enhanced my long-range learning.

➧➤ Upgrades your skillset: 

When you are in a working environment you start observing the skills which you will need to sustain in a corporate environment and once you enter the MBA world you will start urging for those skills. Like other peers you really don’t need to search for the skills you are good at, you already know it and you will work on building those skills stronger.

By mentioning skills, I didn’t only mean communication skills or presentation skills but very minute skills like keeping record of each task you have done, making of agenda and minutes before and after the meeting respectively, greeting people whenever they cross you and many more. These minute skills will define you in a working environment.                                                

➧➤ Time management: 

A small part of my work also included activities relating to billings and there I thoroughly understood the importance of time. By a mere 2 minutes I lost my batch-run and by the end of the day the record was not created. Can you imagine the date? It was 31st march when all the accounts are settled. 2 minutes difference and we lost our client forever.

 During MBA with a lot of assignments, projects, case-studies there would definitely be a tight schedule. With other peers experiencing roller coaster ride, an experienced person would be intellectual enough to plan and manage the work as he or she have already learned the lessons of completing work accurately well before deadlines.

 ➧➤ Makes you more innovative and competent: 

As 1 and 1 makes 11, Similarly experience combined with MBA changes ‘You’ to ‘Developed You’. Once our team was assigned a hefty project and as it first time, we missed our TAT. The stress level increased and I became more frustrated. Poorly I didn’t even know how to manage this stress. You all must have found various loopholes during your job, came across various problems and what hits hard is not having a solution to those issues at that time. Once you enroll for an MBA and you start learning those concepts and principles believe me at your back head you have already got a solution or an impression on how you should have overcome those situations. You will start taking prompt decisions and try to overcome complicated affairs in an innovative and competent manner.

➧➤ Stands out from other MBA’s: 

    Having a work experience add-on is like cherry on a cake. It’s a desirable addition and adds bonus to your resume. I remember during our early days we had trainers coming from Bangalore for a period of 2 months. Their travel expenses, Hikes and incentives, accommodation expenses were beard by TCS and it added up to a lump sum amount. If a work experienced person is hired these all cost can be eliminated and therefore organization look for experienced people.

 It’s a high time to first prepare for an MBA and then opt for an MBA. Apart from entrance exams, practical hands-on knowledge should also be a part of preparation for an MBA. To end with “Its always advisable to first sharpen your swords and then jump into a war”.


Written by....

Fatema Raja

MBA Ist Year

Indira Global Business School, Pune.


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